Passion for Mosaic

Posted on December 2, 2010


Every time I see a beautiful mosaic my breath stops in awe. I always loved mosaics and always wanted to try doing one myself.

One rainy October day I stumbled on the net across an NGO doing, amongst others, mosaic workshops. Imagine my surprise, as I never even thought such a thing existed. Not sure why, I just didn’t think about it.

So, I went! And below are my “creations”… 🙂

The mirror took a bit over two hours to make as it was a 100% own vision and as I had never done anything like this before. I was quite disappointed, as I would not have called that mosaic if I had seen it anywhere else. And, due to the color scheme I chose and the material selection, I couldn’t do more than the corners without it looking too “rich”.

Second time I went to the workshop prepared. I did my homework well beforehand, consuming hours on end online, to find designs that inspire me. I found some that I loved that were similar to the one on the flower-pot above. I went and looked for the little glass pebbles in shops, as they didn’t have them at the workshop, and I was on my way. Nothing was going to stop me. Surprisingly, this also took 2 hours to make. I was very impressed with myself!

The third project was a painting. Since I fell in love with the glass pebbles and found a lovely mosaic design using them, the heart painting above is what I came up with. All in all, this took about 4 hours to make.

I am not the most artistic person I know, so, one thing I can definitely say about mosaics is that it is a forgiving art. If you have some time, I definitely encourage you to try it out yourselves. I will show you how… 🙂

Posted in: English