Project No. 2: Photo Album Cover Pump-Up

Posted on December 15, 2010


My best friend’s birthday caught me unprepared.

It took me a while but I came up with the perfect gift for him: a photo album. As many of us, he has a lot of precious photos that he didn’t get the chance to organize. This photo album is not just any other photo album, it is a mosaic photo album… as, maybe you haven’t noticed, and my latest passion is mosaic.

The details I needed to figure out were:

–          The photo album that would support a mosaic painting being stuck on it

–          The design and colors of the illustration

I decided on a textile covered photo album.

The design I found on the web since one of my first researches for the mosaic workshop, but it wasn’t until one of my colleagues put it into practice that I really appreciated it. Some designs look better in photos than in reality. This was the opposite: it looked great in practice.

I found the theme to be perfect for a family and friend photo album: a tree and a sun behind it. The interpretation it evoked in me was that the tree was the person, the sun was the environment surrounding the person (behaviors, activities), and the environment helped model and develop that person.

Just as for the clock makeover project, I started by drawing the design on a piece of paper. Since this time the design was not mine, I cheated and used a printer. Then, I cut the essential part of the design – the tree – and drew it on the cover of the photo album.

This project was as well using the direct and grout-free method. So, nothing new I can tell you about it: I cut the mosaic in the desired shapes, I stuck them in the pattern I wanted by using adhesive… I will let the images speak for themselves.

It was a quite challenging project, as it took about 10 hours to finish. And here is the final result.




Posted in: English