Easter: the Celebration of Light

Posted on April 7, 2011


In my opinion, the most impressive religious ceremony I have ever seen is the one for the Orthodox Easter. And it is all due to the main focal point – the light! Light expanding and pouring down streets in all directions, making any city look warmer and more alive, symbolizing a new beginning, and bringing hope.

And, since we’re talking about light, who doesn’t appreciate more than artificial bulbs, the candor of a lit candle? The tremble of the candle reminds us how fragile we are, how difficult it is to find the path without anything guiding us, how soft and necessary the moonshine is, how much gentleness love requires to survive, how fulfilled we fill when we find spirituality…

Since candles tell me so much, of course I wanted to create something for them out of mosaic…

“The Machine” is a warm, lively tea light holder, applied on a wooden base. I started it out as an abstract work, in a Kandinski-like style, perfect to liven up any house, and I eventually and unintentionally ended up with a machine. To be honest, I did wonder throughout the whole creation process on what I could be creating that looks more masculine… How great is that? The light has guided me… How amazing is our subconsciousness?


“Spring” was created thinking of Easter and the renewal and rebirth of nature… The idea for this creation with two uses – a candle holder and a flower vase – is the rainbow in nature’s colors!

Posted in: English