Mosaic Mural Proposal

Posted on February 1, 2012


In Bucharest, in many areas of the city, the entrance to certain parts of different housing neighbourhoods looks something like this:

This year, my motivation takes me towards bigger mosaic projects. So, I would like to start with a mosaic mural for one of these depressing passages people pass through daily.

Since this passageway takes people to and from a residential area filled with tall, depressing blocks of concrete, I got my inspiration for the mosaic piece from that, but with a twist. I hope the happy colors will make people smile more and imagine their neighbourhood prettier. Also, I hope that the happiness will also spring from thebreak from reality in the geometric representation of the buildings. Who knows, maybe it will even help build a stronger community spirit. So, here is my idea for one of the walls of this passage way:

It will turn this…

… into this…

… obviouslly, with a fresh coat of paint everywhere!

Now, this is just an idea, and the process necessary for its completion is quite frightening:

–          Getting city hall approval and help for fixing the walls and, hopefully, installing a light (night time is pretty creepy)

–          Getting block members’ approval, in case it is considered private property

–          Possibly, and most desirably, looking for a sponsor (last year I got ruined investing in mosaics and adjacent necessities)

–          Maybe finding some volunteers to work with me at this project, because it is very time consuming but, most importantly, because it would raise more appreciation and understanding for the efforts that such a project requires (might not seem, but it will be).

Of course, I’d love to have the mosaic on both walls, maybe even on the ceiling, hoping that it will be giving the feeling of being surrounded of a mosaic happy neighbourhood, but that will depend on many of the above mentioned factors… I really hope I will make it, somehow!

So, I am looking forward to your thoughts and suggestions… What do you think of this community project?

Posted in: English