Dream of Clear Seas, Warm Sun, and Relaxing Holidays!

Posted on March 18, 2011


Spring is here! Together with optimism and joy, it also brings a more tangible feel of the upcoming holidays…

The lucky ones can already take a couple of days off and replenish their body’s supplies of vitamin D (I know it can’t be stored) in the mild and caring spring sun… I was one of the lucky ones that decided on taking some time off from all the craziness and visited a dear friend in Alicante, Spain. He is actually the one that first told me about CouchSurfing!!! Thank you for offering me that opportunity!

And, as I was taught by my parents, when I visit someone, I like to show my appreciation for the hospitality I benefit from. Since my friend’s favorite color is blue, and influenced by my imagination of how Alicante’s sea looks like, I created especially for him a little marvel box for change, or keys, or whatever else needs storing for quick access.

The imagination really did wonders on this piece, as I could do what I like best – innovate and experiment. I was very pleased with the 3D effect, with the colors used… overall, with the final result!

Posted in: English